Katie Trips and Has an Accident

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:13, 30 November 2013 by Uman (Talk | contribs)
Condition Freezing, Soaked, Covered in Mud Apparel and Items: Tattered Dress, Mud-Filled Panties and Bra
Day, Time Friday, Rainy Morning
Need to Bathroom Constipated
Level of Humiliation Painfully Aware That Her Clothes Are Tattered and Transparent

Katie was pretty depleted by her journey through the woods and rain. She was freezing cold, caked in mud, drenched, and now constipated as she continued walking to school through the woods.

"Why didn't I just stay home!?" Katie lamented, her arms hugging herself to try and keep warm.

The only response was the rain making popping noises off the trees around her. Katie looked up to see what was ahead and far ahead she saw the lights of her school blinking through the trees. She let out a sigh of relief and continued forward. Katie realized as the school became more visible that she REALLY had to go. She had eaten a relatively large dinner (after practice) the previous day, and it was starting to take its toll. Katie felt a tinge of happiness as she saw the school building itself coming into view. What had happened at practice the previous

Katie was in for one more challenge in the woods however, as her feet slipped one last time. This time, she felt backwards, landing hard on her large butt. As she did so, she felt her body go limp, but whereas before the falls only caked her in more mud, this time something worse happened. Katie felt her bowels release, causing a lump of shit to form in her mud-soaked panties. She sat there in disbelief at what had just happened. As if the laxative yesterday hadn't been enough, now she had actually crapped herself completely by accident! She was 16 years old and she had just had an accident! Even worse, she was miles from home, locked out with no communication with anyone and only a few hundred feet from school!

She was bare-foot, the pale skin of her petite feet only visible in splotches through the thick mid. She was showing a lot of skin with her clothes in such a disastrous state, her tattered dress acting more like a second skin than anything. Her panties were covered with mud, her pubic hair transparent through the thin material, and now a dark mass was covering her ass. Her bra was filled with mud and her perky breasts and their little pink nipples were visible through the white material's transparency. Her hair was also in a mess with all the mud in it and with the rain.

Katie didn't have many options. She was disgusted and embarrassed by the fact that she was sitting in her own feces, but she would have to abandon her panties if she decided to get rid of the crap. Katie realized she could also walk into school as is and get a change of clothes, praying that if anyone saw the mess in her panties that it was just more mud.

After thinking for a bit, Katie decided to...

Katie Takes Her Panties Off to Clean Herself

Katie Walks Into School As Is

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