Futa Club- SisPhone

From Create Your Own Story

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Walking downstairs you ask mom for the phone number of your sister, Sara. She looks at you asking "Why do you need it?" After explaining to her you just want to keep contact, after all you have not seen her in the last 2 years and don't want to lose her, your mom nods approving. "Well ok. I guess for that reason I can give you her number..." You thank her eagerly and hug her tightly. She laughs it off and writes down the number after looking it up. "Here you go, sweety."

Back up in your room you quickly lock your door, something you normally never do... Though you guessed it would be the best regarding the topics you want to talk about... You gulp and dial her number. After ringing a few times you hear her voice:

"Hello?" she asks and you hear a distant moan in the background

"Errr... Hi Sara!" you answer and listen carefully. Yes, thats definetly moaning!

"Who is speaking?" she asks surprised, the moaning gets less.

"Your brother!" you say offended "Don't you remember my voice?"

"Now that you say it!" she giggles and has a much more happy mood then before "What's up? We haven't spoken in quite some time!"

"Well yeah... you see... I-I have this little problem..." you start but quickly get interrupted.

"Who did what to you?" she asks quickly. Just like her, always caring for her little brother, it makes you proud of her somehow.

"N-no it's not like that... more... sexual." You say gulping and wait for her answer. She gets quiet for a little. The moans are completely gone now.

"A sexual problem? You better come over here to talk about something like that then! That's not good over the phone!" she sais worried. "Can you make it over here by today?"

"W-Well... yeah, it's friday after all... If i can sleep over at yours it should be fine." You answer, happy of the thought seeing your sister again.

"Sure, that's not a problem at all!" she sais grinning and gives you her adress. "I think I'll need like 2 hours to get everything ready for you. Well if you don't mind some chaos, you can also get over here earlier, it's not that far."

Quickly canceling the phone call after that, you:

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