+Jessica's Choices/Walk

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 15:40, 18 October 2013 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

As she walked up the road lined by trees and walls towards her high school she heard someone shouting faintly behind her but as she turned around she was almost shocked with horror. Amy a fat milky white, blonde hair girl in the same year as Jessica came bounding up the street.

Jessica was always a little aprehensive around Amy, Jessica's friend Kerry had said and that "all the other girls think she is crazy and that she had the hot for Jessica"

When Amy caught up with jessica panting for air the first thing she said was "WOW" you look great! your legs are so shiny and have your tits grown? as she lent forward to look down jessicas open shirt at her chest, Amy noticed that jessica wasn't waring a bra.

Jessica quckly moved back out of the way but soon found her back aginst the wall and amy was looking at her with a smile that could scare a dog away, you silly,... I just wanted to have a look it wasn't like i was going to touch you, you do look fantastic though, but maybe we should hurry up were running late.

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