Send all of the women, elderly, and children off on the horses to your brother's village to the west with the horses, and attack the Americans by hiding in the village

From Create Your Own Story

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You get all of those unable to fight onto the horses, and sent off west to your brother's village.

You and your son wait inside of a teepee for what seems like an hour. The gunfire has stopped, and you can hear marching coming your way. They speak in their language, yelling and sounding happy. You will take that happiness. You hear footsteps outside your tent, and you nod to your son. He nods back. You scream your battle cry, and lunge from the tent onto the soldier. You knock him over and land on him, and hack at his head with your tomahawk twice. Your son runs out and slices another soldiers throat with his tomahawk. Now you hear many battle cries and see your warriors slaughtering the Americans. There are two more soldiers near you, and your son throws his tomahawk, planting it into the soldier's shoulder, and he falls to the ground screaming. You kick the other soldier's knee in, breaking his leg. Then you bring your tomahawk down onto his head, slashing it and killing him. You and your warriors continue to kill and kill until there are no Americans left. It is a complete massacre, and very few of your warriors died. Now you must decide to either...

Go to your brother's village, and live there

Raid the American's siege camp

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