Slip away alone

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 06:01, 26 August 2013 by Calvin Coolidge (Talk | contribs)
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You feel like you have to get away, now. There's no time to wake Alia. You slip silently away from the road and from the approaching soldier.

The soldier stops behind a large rock. He's about to start peeing when he notices Alia, still asleep on the ground. He lets out a shout and draws his gun.

"NO!" you scream. Taking aim with your pistol, you fire two shots into the center of the soldier's chest, sending him down like a sack of lead sinkers. Alia sits up, rubbing her eyes, dizzy and confused. Loud curses come from the truck and more soldiers begin pouring out.

"Alia, GET DOWN!" you shout. Too late. The men open fire, pumping poor Alia full of holes. Shrieking in rage and distress, you fire your pistol one-handed while using your other to hurl grenades at the men. One grenade explodes close to the truck and the driver panics, taking off into the night. With your last grenade and some well-aimed gunshots, you finish off the soldiers who were left behind.

You approach Alia's body. She's dead, having bled out. Your face is dark with sorrow as you cover her corpse neatly with leaves and say a prayer for her soul.

You eventually make it to Lebanon and from there back to the United States. Although your superiors congratulate you for bringing home the data drive, you feel like your mission was a failure because you couldn't save Alia's life.


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