Ardenstone - Page 2a

From Create Your Own Story

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"Yes, please." Kas replied, taking one of the white cigarettes from the packet. She had never tried smoking before, but was certain there was nothing difficult in it. Jade gave her a lighter, and she fumbled with it for a moment, confused by its refusal to work properly. Eventually, Jade told Kas to put the cigarette in her mouth, and held the lighter for her. Kas sucked on the cigarette, and suddenly felt her throat burning within. She choked, doubled over and coughed up the smoke she had inhaled. Jade burst out laughing, causing Kas to turn bright red with embarrassment. There was laughter too from the other side of the fire, and then David was there, patting her back.

"You've not smoked before, have you?" Jade asked, when she had managed to compose herself. Kas shook her head, certain that she never wanted to try it again. David sat down next to her, and offered his cup.

"Here, drink this." He said, his hand still rubbing her back. "What were you thinking?"

"I wanted your friends to like me." Kas replied, trying desperately hard not to cry in front of them. She took a mouth full of the fizzy drink to help swallow her tears.

"Its alright," David said softly. "Relax and be yourself, they will like you just fine. Isn't that right Jade?"

"Sure." Jade answered. David glared at her, until she continued. "Sorry I laughed, it was rude, but you did look very funny there for a moment. Have some more of this and cheer up. I'm sure we all looked the same when we first tried it." And with that Jade refilled Kas's cup. Even so, Kas still looked distraught at making such a fool of herself in front of people she had just met.

"Smoking really isn't good for you anyway." David told her. "I don't smoke, and neither does Kim. Besides, your dad would flip if he found out you smoked." This news caused the reaction that David intended, and Kas apologised to him. She felt a little better in the knowledge that she wasn't the only one there who didn't smoke. If only she had known that before hand, she might have saved herself from an embarrassing situation. His arm slipped lower around her waist as he drank from his cup, and Kas took comfort from her own drink, which she sipped slowly next to him.

"What was the capital like?" Kim asked, moving closer to them. "I've never been, but I heard that it is really big."

"It is." Kas replied. "In the centre, some buildings are hundreds of floors high, with spires stretching up toward the clouds." Kas talked at some length about the city and her favourite places there, the restaurants, shopping centres and the school she went to. Kim was fascinated by the size and grandeur of the capital, stating how romantic it all sounded. In truth, Kas spoke about her old home with a slightly bias tone, and skipped over all the bad things that happened in the city. There was a lot of crime there and the roads were far more dangerous than the narrow lanes around Ardenstone, but Kas was sure Kim would prefer to only hear the good parts. Jade and Lawrence listened for a while too, while David, who was still holding Kas close beside him, added comments on the places in the city he had seen. Kas finished her drink at one point, and found it had been refilled again a moment later, so she carried on drinking between sentences, despite feeling strangely light headed.

"Did you have a boyfriend there?" Kim asked after Kas had told them about the huge park she went to with her friends in the spring. Kas shook her head, and replied that she had not really thought about it. Jade looked at her with curiosity and quizzed Kas on the boys she knew there.

"Have you not even kissed a boy yet?" Jade asked, her question suddenly sounding full of concern. Kas looked at her drink and shook her head. This prompted David's smile to broaden as he looked over her shoulder. "Perhaps you should ask Dave." Jade suggested, noticing the look on his face. David glared at her, but his cheeks blushed red, giving away his feelings on the subject completely. The only person that didn't realise what was being suggested was Kas, who couldn't see David's face. She stared blankly at Jade and then at Kim. Suddenly David stood up, looking intently at his watch.

"Kas, it's nearly eleven." He declared. "I promised your dad I would have you home half an hour ago." Kas frowned, and looked around the group, but David insisted that they had to leave. Jade gave Kas a hug, and invited her back again. Kim thanked her for coming, and even Korvan stood to say good bye. Kas was slightly overwhelmed as she walked away, pleased that everyone had been so welcoming. David helped her over the gate and soon they were walking down the lane together. The two cousins talked about the evening as they rounded a corner, into complete darkness as they followed the winding road. Kas asked him about the others there.

"Well, Jade is seventeen," He started, "and has always been the leader of our group. She can be quite controlling at times, but she doesn't mean much by it. She's been with Lawrence for about two years now. He's older though, about your brother's age. Korvan is Jade's brother. He's twenty eight and runs The Range with their father." Kas looked surprised that Korvan was so much older, but David continued, "Despite his appearance, he wouldn't hurt a fly. I think Korvan and Kim have something going on, but they never talk about it. Kim is alright, enthusiastic and full of energy, but she is kind of the baby in the group, except for when Sam comes."

"Who is Sam?" Kas asked, almost bumping into David as she walked beside him. He put an arm around her waist to keep Kas upright.

"Sam is Lawrence's little brother. He's only twelve, but he's already as tall as Kim." David explained, laughing slightly at the thought. "He has this huge crush on Kim, but she likes older guys." As they neared the house, David slipped his hand from behind Kas, had took her hand in his. She stopped, surprised for a moment by the change, and David took his opportunity. His left hand cupped her chin and he pressed his lips against hers. Kas stumbled into him, unsure what to do, but he had enough strength in his arms to hold her up as he kissed her.

"How much cider did you drink?" He asked afterward, when he had steadied her once more. She wobbled in front of him, trying to focus.

"Cider?" Kas asked, confused. David checked his watch. It was dead on eleven, and her house was in sight. A number of thoughts filled his mind.

What should David do?

David Fellows

David is a sixteen year old student, who has lived in Ardenstone his entire life. Kas and David are cousins, by virtue of her father and his mother being related. David has short brown hair, and is roughly the same hight as Kas. David has been attracted to Kas for over a year, before she moved to Ardenstone.

Plot Notes

Cider is a strong alcoholic beverage. Like smoking, alcohol is addictive and bad for your health. Most countries have a minimum age of 18 for alcohol consumption, and higher in others. It is illegal to drink alcohol in some parts of the world at any age. Alcohol can also have an intoxicating effect, reducing a person's ability to think clearly and making them more compliant to suggestion. Alcohol can also reduce response times, and cause people to act out of character. Under no circumstance should you attempt to operate a vehicle or any type of machinery after consuming an alcoholic beverage of any type.

Option Notes

Having consumed alcohol, Kas is unable to think rationally. The options available may not lead to the outcome you expect.

Be careful what you choose.


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