Stay And Hope You Can Keep Them From getting Blood On the Carpet

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 12:40, 21 August 2013 by RainbowViking (Talk | contribs)
"Oh, um, sorry, what was the question?" "Who do you think could win in a fight, me or Dan?" James asks. "Well, that's not an easy thing to answer..." The two shrug and go back to arguing. They act like they hate each other, but James told you how close they really are. After a while, you get kind of bored and ask James if he wants to go back up to his room and finish up the game. He says yes, if you want. "Okay, well, I heard Doctor Who was about to come on, so I think I'll watch that." Dan says, you get a little excited, you didn't know Dan was a fan. "Hey, Jeremy, you like this show, don't you? Why don't you come watch it with me?" he asks. "Hey, if you want, I don't mind, I guess I can play the game by myself." James says to you.|} Adventure/Option 1 Watch Doctor Who with Dan Adventure/Option 2 Finish the game with James
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