Hot and Horny/Josh Miranda Sex Lie

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A huge smile breaks out on her face. "Uh huh! I wanna make a baaaby!" She bounces up and down on the bed. So cute... you think.

"Shhh, shhhh..." You put your finger to her mouth. "You have to be quiet if we're going to make a baby, ok?"

She nods, still beaming. She looks at you intently. "What do I do?" she asks.

"Well, the first thing you do is take off those PJs, and get completely naked. It won't work otherwise." You lean onto your knees, your cock twitching in anticipation.

"Okay!" She's just bubbling with enthusiasm. She jumps off the bed, and pulls her shirt off. Her little, pale, undeveloped chest heaves with excitement, her hair tumbling down onto her shoulders. In one smooth motion, she removes her pants and little panties. She looks so tiny. Her little slit is as small as the rest of her, and you gaze it it hungrily between her skinny little legs. She hops back on the bed. "Ok! Now what?"

"My, you are getting to be a big girl, aren't you?" you lie. She beams and rocks up and down on the bed. "Ok, now I need you to lie back on my pillow." She does so, resting her arms at her waist. She is flat as a board and about as stiff. "Relax - you don't have to have your arms at your sides. Just lie there the way you would normally." She giggles and puts her arms behind her head, relaxing her legs. "Mmm, good I want you to spread your legs as wide as you can."

She smiles wide and grabs her ankles, putting them behind her head. "I'm in gymnastics!" You just want to dive into that little pussy right there, looking at the lewd sight of your innocent baby sister naked on your bed, legs spread back behind her head. You smile at her.

"Not that need to relax for us to make a baby, ok?"

"Mmmhm!" She lets go of her feed, but keeps her legs spread wide. You scramble between her legs, keeping your knees between hers. You're rock hard, and it's hard to contain yourself. She looks up at your expectantly.

"Ok, let's make a baby," you say.

"I'm gonna be a mommy!" she says, smiling. You start rubbing the head of your cock up and down her tiny slit, moving apart the tiny folds of flesh, up and down. "Heeheehee, stop! That tickles!"

"I'm just getting my pre-cum on you so I can get in. Remember what that's for, Miranda?"

"Uh huh!" She nods excitedly. "For making babies!"

"That's right, Miranda," you say. "Now relax..." You gently push forward, sliding the head of your cock between her folds, searching desperately for her tiny hole. You push forward, and slide up against her little pussy. You realign and try again - it's just no good. It's not going to be easy to get in there. Her little pussy is covered in your precum, but it's not giving up to you at all.

Do you...

You are:
Josh, age 15
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