Kick Brandon out, and go to the local high school pretending to be a new student

From Create Your Own Story

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Brandon is what you may refer to as a loose end. He cannot be allowed to go around telling stories that may ruin your fun.

You saunter over to your computer terminal and play a song, "Kung Fu Fighting" by Carl Douglas. You dance energetically to the song, performing various martial arts kicks and punches. In the blink of an eye you turn violent on him. With your first blow to his temple, he is knocked out cold. You jump on top of the boy and strangle him with all of your demonic might. You feel his windpipe collapse under your eagle claw grip. The boy is dead.

The body of the boy is expertly disposed of. You put the corpse in a large cardboard box and take it to a local funeral home late at night. The place is empty and the funeral home has a fully functional crematorium. All of the evidence of your murder is turned to ash by morning. That problem is solved.

You get home and go on your computer. You have superbly advanced computer skills in this body. You hack into government computers and create an entirely new identity, but maintain the name Krystal Lee for yourself. Within two days you have a new birth certificate, driver's license, social security card and so forth that all say you are sixteen instead of twenty six. You have created an entirely new persona.

You empty Krystal Lee, Jack Hill, and Candy Morgan's bank accounts. The three accounts combined give you just under half a million dollars. That is plenty of money for your plans.

You decide it would be best to move out of town. People may recognize you here. You move halfway across the country and settle into a small apartment in a large city. You use a second set of doctored documentation to buy the place.

You register yourself to attend an urban high school that is in a bad neighborhood.

It is Sunday afternoon and you start school on Monday morning. The only thing left to decide is what social clique you should purchase clothes to become a part of.

Do you:

You are possessing:
Asian female under a false identity
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