Shift into Candy while Krystal and Thor are knotted

From Create Your Own Story

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You leave Krystal and become lithe, athletic Candy Morgan. You work as a nurse in a rest home for the elderly. In high school all the boy's nicknamed you "Candy Ass" despite the fact you are an anal virgin. You are 30 years old. You are a major pothead, smoking weed almost every day.

Your dog, Thor, drags Krystal by her asshole to you through the hole in the fence. She is unconscious. The shock of everything must have made her pass out.

Thor's cock frees itself from Krystal's ass with a loud pop. You pick Krystal up as she shivers in her sleep, and carry her into your house. You make preparations as she sleeps...

Krystal does not wake up until the next morning. She rubs her eyes and opens them fully to the morning sunshine beating down on her through the shades.

She is in a large indoor dog cage, with Thor stretching next to her as she wakes up. She has been laying in the cage with him for whole night.

"On all fours Krystal," you say.

Krystal turns red, and covers herself while looking at you confused.

"Now please," you say softly while standing at the door of the cage.

She does not know what she is in for, but she does not like it at all. "Candy, no! Let me out now!"

"SIT, NOW!" You scream at her.

"Krystal, if you don't sit right now, you're getting punished."

She folds her arms and turns away.

Do you:

You are possessing:
Candy Morgan
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