Get to the oval office

From Create Your Own Story

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You sprint down the hallways, and slam into a Secret Service agent, who quickly dies after you put a bullet in his neck, and grab his assault rifle "who the hell carries an assault rifle?" you think. Whatever the case, you don't mind carrying it yourself, especially since there is an entire group of agents in front of you. Jogging forward you quickly spray and pray, and relived when no one has poped out to shoot you. Diving into a small alcove, you check for any other agents, only finding half a dozen bodies you just killed. Luckily, the only interference are a few agents you easily kill. Making it to the doors of the Oval Office, you kick it open greeted by the stocky agent from before. In a futile attempt to kill you, he raises his gun, and you pump a few round in his arm, causing him to fall to the ground in pain. The president, quickly runs past you into the hallway, and you stop him with an entire clip into his back. Your gun clicks as it runs out of ammo, and you have no more clips. As the stocky agent groans in pain, you notice his gun, a chrome revolver with a polished wood handle. Taking it, you grace the gun by blasting a hole in its owner's head. Killing the president and over a dozen Secret Service tends to draw attention, so you'll have to move fast.

  • Do you

Head to the roof

Escape from the window

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