Try to push the dog away.

From Create Your Own Story

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Status: Naked & Hiding

You reach your hands behind you and make several unsuccessful attempts to push the dog away.

After a minute of that, he snaps at your fingers, and begins to growl.

You pull your fingers away as he begins to bark.

"What is it, boy?" asks Mr. Thompson.

You feel a sharp pain in your butt which causes you to jump out from the bush.

Frank's and Mr. Thompson's jaws slack as they see you, and Mr. Thompson drops the leash.

The dog jumps at you, and you run away, screaming.

You run in circles until you see a tree across the street. You make a dash for it, grabbing hold of one of the lower branches and pulling yourself up.

As the dog barks at the base of the tree, Mr. Thompson shuffles across the street after you.

You look around. Now everyone is at their front door or backyard gate, staring at you in the tree. You feel the blush crawl from your face to your toes.

Mr. Thompson grabs the leash, and pulls his dog away. "Are you okay, miss ... uh ... I seem to have forgotten your name ..."

You drop from the tree and cover yourself with your hands. "... and I'd like to keep it that way."

You dash back to your mailbox, curtly brushing off Frank's leering "concern". You reach in, pull out your key, and run up your front walk. Your trembling hands can barely get the key in the lock, but once it's in, you dive into your house and slam the door behind you.

You look at your butt in the hall mirror. It's just a scratch, but you go to the bathroom to clean it up.

Great. Now the whole street will know you as the screaming crazy naked lady.

You have to be somewhere else, now.

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