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You walk over to the tent. As you do, you search Helmer Hanssen's memories. This is Polheim, the spot within 2 miles of the Pole where Captain Amundsen has pitched camp for the past 3 days.

"Well, we did it," Captain Amundsen says. "And we should be able to make it back easily. We leave tomorrow morning for Framheim."

"We have some extra supplies," legendary Telemarker and ski expert Olav Bjaaland adds. "Should we leave a tin of paraffin for the good Captain Scott?"

"I can't imagine he'd be short," chimes in Sverre Hassel. "He'd have to be a total idiot not to bring along sufficient food, animal transport and fuel to make it here and back comfortably."

"Shackleton tried to man-haul his way here," counters Oskar Wisting. "Captain Scott, if he does the same, could well end up short of both food and fuel. We have plenty of both, and it would certainly be a good thing to leave some for him just in case."

Four sets of eyes turn to you.

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Norwegian Explorer
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