Regenerate as a Woman

From Create Your Own Story

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Shortly after bursting into flames the lights dim down and you're in your new body. Just making the normal check that you do you run through the all the important parts.

"Alright hands good. Feet, legs, perfect. Hair! What is it yes I'm finally a ginger, wait long hair. Why's it so long? Hold on there's something wrong with my voice, it's high. My god am I a woman? Lets see." You pull open your shirt. "Yep boobs, breasts. I've got breasts. I'm a bloody woman. Well it was bound to happen at some point. Oo there's this weird feeling in my pants, wait that's right woman now, no penis, this will take some getting used to."

You're now the twelfth regeneration of the doctor and to be truly honest everything is kind of weird now instead of being a six foot tall male with brown hair, you're 5'6" woman. You turn to look at your new self in a mirror and are met by a beautiful new face. Your face is that sweet ginger pale covered in freckles that you've always admired, to complement the fresh strawberry red ginger hair of yours, and to top it all off your eyes are something that you've never seen before in all of time and space, emerald green, by your standards, heck by anyone's standards your what humans call "A sexy she beast who can have anything that you want.", beauty is your name and you like it.[1]

"Um Doctor are you alright?"

You look up and notice Amy standing there all confused about what just happened. She's only seen a regeneration once and that was with River Song. She's all alone there dazed as to what just happened. You've never noticed this about her before but she has the most delicate, sensuous,and soft skin you've ever seen. Haven't thought about her like this, ever. All of a sudden you start getting a weird feeling in your pants, you know it's not an erection because you don't have a penis anymore, so what is it? Then it hits you. You're getting wet, lake all horny women do.

"Doctor are you going to be all right?"

You have to do something soon to get rid of this new feeling. But what?

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