Stand your ground and wait for her to make the first strike

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:45, 22 August 2012 by Neokon (Talk | contribs)

Having remembered that you lost your last battle from being to aggressive and taking the main attack, you decide not to be the aggressor and hold you ground against her. Waiting for the attack to happen you take your best defensive stance and watch her every movement to see what she is going to do. Between on of your blinks you see her left foot take more of her weight, and she's getting ready to lung at you. All of a sudden she comes leaping at you faster than you would expect. Just in the nick of time you spot that she is trying to hit you in the head, lucky for you, you knew this was coming and was able to duck out of the way. Next she tries to kick your legs out form underneath you to bring you to the ground, you are able to jump above her kick as to keep her from succeeding at it. This continues for the next five minuets, she would attack and you would dodge it. Caught up in the excitement of having lasted this long you forget about the rule of having no additional weapons and grab the vibro-sword laying on the workbench. All of a sudden you are hit from behind on the head, you black out and fall to the ground.

When you come through you see you sister standing over you with a disappointed look on her face. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Breaking one of the most important rules of Echani battle, using an additional weapon. Luckily, you were just standing by another one of our sisters who could knock you out before you could do any harm to me. I really hope you don't mind but while you were unconscious i undressed you for your punishment, since even if you had won you had broken a rule. So what punishment should I use for the naughty little rule breaker?"

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