Take on Raditz

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 08:04, 9 August 2012 by Scoobyfan10000 (Talk | contribs)
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You charge Raditz and start to make him wish he'd never betrayed lord Frieza. As you were about to finish of raditz with your newest move the bolt crusher, Vegeta knocks you back. In an instant Guldo intervenes and starts to fight Vegeta, as you continue with Raditz. It doesn't take much longer until your right back where you were at a few minutes ago,but this time the bolt crusher cuts a whole right through Raditz killing him within a couple of seconds. You turn to see who Guldo is doing, unfortunatly Guldo's body is lieing on the ground with his head a few feet away. Recoome roars ain rage at what has happened. Do you...

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