Begin the Bloodshed...

From Create Your Own Story

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As you sit quietly in your prison cell, unable to contemplate what just happened in the courtroom, you find yourself repeating the words "guilty" over and over. You hear footsteps coming towards you, and you see a man and woman standing in front of the cell.

"So, this is the new prisoner? Hmph. Talk about being unlucky."

"Quiet John!"

"Hey, I'm just saying! If I was like this prisoner here, I wouldn't go around torturing innocent people for fun. It's sickening." "I said quiet!"

"Alright, alright. I'll leave the torturer to you Mary. Don't go all sweet though! You never know what sadistic people are thinking of..." "That's it! Out! OUT!"

As John is rambling on about your crimes, Mary forces him out of the hall, and, swearing under her voice, comes back to face you.

"Well, hello there! My name is Mary. Mary Parsh", she says, "I can't say that anyone is going to treat you kindly because of your, well, your little predicament. Rest assured though, I will be here to help in anyway I can!"

Mary suddenly reaches into her bag and pulls out a clipboard with a form and pen.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd fill out this form please."

She slides the clipboard through the slot on the cell door, and quickly snaps it shut. You can definitely tell that she is frightened by you. This could come in handy later you think to yourself.

"Well, um, I will be back to get the form back. Make sure it's all accurate! You wouldn't want anything bad to happen just because you "made a mistake! Hahaha!"

She calmly walks away, though you hear a sigh of relief from her before she leaves. You decide to pick up the form and fill it out.

The first question reads as:

Male or Female?


These choices that describe your character WILL decide how other react to you, what others call you, and more. CHOOSE CAREFULLY!


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