Villa Labido

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 12:32, 10 July 2012 by Mike bzen (Talk | contribs)

A midsized apartment complex, the Villa LaRito is a fine place to live if you want to live remote from the rest of society. An assortment of random happenings occur frequently there, not limited to the conventional. While it may not be the safest place to live, residents have found that if they watch eachother's back, they can avoid conflict, most of the time. Most residents are unhappy with the way management maintains the apartments, but are afraid to voice their opinions. Promiscuous behavior permeates the villa, with a raunchy nightclub just up the street.

You are:

+Carol, the owner, a middle aged single woman

+Vic, a detective

+Shane, the maintenance man

+Rita, a school girl age 15

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