The Grand Arena / View the Ayumi Adventures

From Create Your Own Story

The Grand Arena

Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult


It is a crazy world at there, and that world needs heroes. You are one of those heroes. Your name is Ayumi, a woman with middle length beautiful pinkish-blonde hair, a fit but bustful body, and the will to get through just about everything. You are a very determined and skilled woman, better at your craft than just about any other in your village. You are also commanding and dominant and like to get your way. If you can't get your way, you figure out how to do so not taking no for an answer. As such a willfull woman you naturally got into adventuring with the chance to do what you want to do. As a woman of some strength in your community you have lots of friends and contacts. You however do not have a boyfriend as no one has really matched your standards yet. Plus, that side of your life can wait. You have much more important things to do!

Recently you have been summoned by one of your friends, Rizuko, to recover a lost family heirloom that was stolen from her just days ago. It seemed very important to her and she offered a fair amount of gold for its safe return. So you volunteered for the quest and set out immediately. You track the theif to a local tavern and corner him demanding the heirloom but you find he has already sold it, and for a hefty price at that. Double what he had asked infact. Upon further questioning you find that a strange cult has taken possession of it and you move to track them down.

Moving from town to town in the area you finally gather enough information to track down where the cult is hiding these days and before you know it you find yourself in the dark wood forest near dusk. Not afraid of the coming dark you venture deeper and deeper until you find what you are looking for. Breaking out of the ground in a clump of trees is a large cave entrance that leads down into the earth.

It is time to investigate. But first, your training has leveled you up giving you skills, abilities, and items to help you with your journey. As a level one hero, what class do you take?


The Fighter: [1]

The fighter is a melee warrior who accels in close quarters fighting. Able to beat just about any enemy in hand to hand the fighter is able to overcome most odds with shear brute force. As a fighter, you would be directly in the action all the time with all sorts of weapons. Not many characters will be able to handle you in actual combat. You will be physically strong and be able to weild most weapons efficiently. Your starting gear as a fighter will be a sword and some medium armor.


The Theif: [2]

The thief is a cunning and dexterous ranger that accels at both ranged fighting as well as close combat with light weapons such as a dagger. The thief is also skilled in the art of speech and persuasion and can likely talk her way through many encounters. The thief is very nible and dexterous and as such is very skillful able to nimbly open locks or escape ropes and other traps with greater ease. Your starting gear as a thief is light armor, a crossbow, and a dagger.


The Mage: [3]

The mage is a wise and intelligent spellcaster who has mastered the elusive art of magic and has bent it to her will. Able to cast spells from fireballs to invisiblity, the mage can summon beasts to help her in combat or any other task she finds a need for. The mage is very smart and knowing and has lots of knowledge of the world and its inhabitants likely knowing strengths and weaknesses of foes. Your starting gear as a mage is a robe and a magical staff.


What do you do?


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