Swim down to check for an exit

From Create Your Own Story

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You forget about the goblin's lifeless, drowned body and force your body to the bottom of the pit. You hold your breath, and then pop up for a moment, gasping for air. After a moment of rest, you plunge back down. In the center of the room, there appears to be a steel grate. It strangely illuminates the room. You kick it in, and it shatters, pouring you out into a massive circular room. The water gushes out, but then suddenly crashes closed, as if it's on a timer.

The water that made it through the grate seeps through cracks in the floors and drains rather quickly. You spin around the room. There's four spears suspended from the walls, each with different colored rags stabbed through the tip. Red, yellow, blue, green.

You search the room for some sort of hint as to what you have to do. You find a wooden sign nailed to the steel grate. Enscribed on it are the words:


Grab the yellow rag

Grab the blue rag

Grab the red rag

Grab the green rag

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