Arturia/Light Dress

From Create Your Own Story

< Arturia
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You dress in a light dress that allows for movement and take up your blade. You'd rather be seen as a warrior than as a woman. Actually, part of you wishes you were born male. As such, you would have been able to become a general of your country and wouldn't have to leave to be some other man's trophy.

You still make sure you're presentable. It would do no good to shame your father by looking inappropriate for the woman you are.

Resignedly you walk out in the hall where you are met by one of the servants. You recognize him as Willem; you've seen him taking care of your horse before. He seems to have been waiting for you to leave your room.

"Milady," he says, making a respectful bow, "Your escort party is ready and waiting for you downstairs."

You nod and go down the stairs. Your carriage is already waiting, surrounded by about 60 people. You smile a little inwardly and think "Almost the army I wanted to command".

Now, maybe you should go say your goodbyes before leaving?

There's no one you really feel obliged to part with

You go to where the crowd is waiting to say their goodbyes to you

Health 100 Equipment:

Light Dress, Fine Longsword

Stamina 100
Mood Resigned Inventory:


Purse 50, 00, 00
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