Amelia/Purple Dress/2/Ruairi/assist the mercenaries

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You figure Duran will be fine and your soldiers are pushing the enemies back quite well. But the mercenaries are being pressed hard, they won't last much longer by themselves. You make up your mind and swiftly ride around the battlefield, approaching the mercenaries from the other side. There's only about 9 mercenaries still fighting, 5 wounded mercs are behind the lines treating 3 heavily wounded mercs. You see about 7 merc corpses being trampled by the werewolves. Seeing dead people from this close unsettles you, but you snap out of it and concentrate on the task at hand.

You :

Cast Armor Aura to help them hold the line

Cast Regenerating Aura to get the wounded back into the battlefield

Cast Arcane Barrage, Bombard the enemy with arcane missiles

Health 100 Equipment:

Purple Dress, Mother's Wedding Ring(keepsake)

Stamina 100
Mood Unsettled Inventory:


Purse 1849, 500, 0
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