Amelia/Purple Dress/2/Ruairi/Join the battle

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You've made up your mind, if the guard have the courage to throw themselves into a battle you won't be the coward and hide where it's safe. Besides, you can feel the adrenaline rushing trough your veins urging you to go join the battle. You jump on one of the horses pulling the carriage and ride to the scene of battle, ignoring your servants protests. You see Willem grab the other horse and ride after you, he's holding a spear but doesn't look like a skilled knight. You smirk at his boyish enthusiasm as he catches up with you, then realize you're acting much the same way.

It only takes a minute to reach the battlefield, you stop to take in the situation. There's a dozen or so merc guards cornered by the bandits, they look like a big, rough bunch and several of the mercenaries are lying in a puddle of blood already. Your guards, led by Duran have attacked the bandits from behind and are pushing them back. The bandits are cornered between the two forces and seem to be trying to overrun the mercs in order to get away. Then you realize Duran isn't on the battlefield and you look around the area, you can't imagine him having fallen.

You spot Duran a little bit further, fighting a few of the bandits that tried to sneak up on the nearby group of traders by himself. As you look at his opponents a bit closer, you notice they're abnormally large and hairy, and that doesn't look like leather or hide armor either. Then you spot their faces and almost jump off your horse in surprise. That snout and those fangs, these aren't bandits, they're werewolves!

Startled at that realization, you realize you shouldn't waste any more time standing there and get to it if you're gonna help win this battle.

You :

Assist your soldiers from behind the lines

Go lend Duran a hand

Ride around the battlefield and assist the mercenaries, the werewolves are about to overrun them

Health 100 Equipment:

Purple Dress, Mother's Wedding Ring(keepsake)

Stamina 100
Mood Excited Inventory:


Purse 1849, 500, 0
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