Mia/Gladiator/Cassie/Take out the blond girl

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Revision as of 10:23, 3 February 2012 by Zoroastra (Talk | contribs)
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You whisper at Cassie "Keep the blond from interfering, I'll deal with the other one" She nods nervously and the both of you advance. The girls are ready for you and the blond takes a defensive stance in front of the other girl. Cassie swings at her and is easily blocked. The other girl pushes her back and advances on her, you take advantage of the opening to charge at the other girl. She expected as much and meets you with a thrust of her spear.

You :

Charge her head-on

Block the spear and counterattack

Duck under the spear as she thrusts, using your small frame to your advantage and tackle her

Health 90 Equipment:

Gladiator's Outfit, Dual Scimitars

Stamina 90
Mood In Battle Inventory:


Purse {{{Gold}}}, {{{Silver}}}, {{{Copper}}}
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