Mia/Gladiator/Scar/Attack with both scimitars 2
From Create Your Own Story
You feel that he's a far better swordsman than you and know defense won't help you. The best you could hope for is to get in a lucky hit. You advance, scimitars ready.
He nods his approval as you get back on your feet and launch an attack. then he dodges one of your strikes, spins around and brings his other weapon down on your naked flank hard. Even with swords designed to only make minor injuries, it still tears trough your flesh and you feel it connect with your bone. You drop to the ground screaming in pain instantly.
Seems like even your harsh trainer thinks he might have overdone it a little and quickly hurries off to get a first aid kit and treat your wounds. While the wound bleeds alot and hurts more, there is no significant damage beyond a flesh wound. After it has been bandaged up and the bleeding stopped. He pulls you up. You cringe in pain but he tells you to bear with it. You're a gladiator now. You instantly regret your decision to agree on becoming a gladiator.
After you've calmed down a bit, he leads you to
The training area behind the camp
Status | ||
Health | 20 | Equipment:
Gladiator's Outfit, bandages, Dual Scimitars |
Stamina | 50 | |
Mood | Startled | Inventory:
{{{Possessions}}} |
Purse | {{{Gold}}}, {{{Silver}}}, {{{Copper}}} |