SM:Y-NOT Pizza - Stay

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Revision as of 14:36, 21 December 2011 by Captain.Devonin (Talk | contribs)
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A loud growl, and a gurgle, from your stomach prompts you to stay. You feel like you haven't eaten in days for some reason. Thankfully, it is only another 8 minutes before the pizza is ready.

A man steps around the corner and starts walking down the isle toward your table with a 12-slice pizza on a tray in his hands. The fact that he is dressed in a chef's outfit and his apron is stained with sauce, cheese, and flour (among other things) tells you that he's probably the cook. He is flanked by the two waitresses, one bringing a pitcher of water while the other has a glass.

The cook slaps the pizza down onto your table and your stomach growls appreciatively. The thing is a lot more massive than you'd expected with a crust half an inch thick and topped with so many things it spills over the crust here and there and onto the serving tray.

"My name is Tony, I just came out here to thank you for ordering the special. Always fun to make these. I hope you enjoy," he says, a proud grin slapped across his face. He leans back and crosses his arms while the waitresses pour you a glass of water.

You reach down and grab hold of the crust for one of the slices, pulling it up and watching as the gooey cheese stretches and refuses to let go of the slice so you may eat it. Toppings spill off the sides of the slice and you have to pull it high up off the tray before the cheese finally separates and you can bring it to your lips.

You open your mouth to take a bite, and the fat tip of the piece is just moments from being devoured when you hear a shout from the back.

"Oh crap! Get down!"

Do you

Sixty Minutes -- Current Status
Time Remaining 3:34
Location Y-NOT Pizza
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