Pokemon: Give him something to eat

From Create Your Own Story

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You give him a berry you'd found in the bottom of your backpack, Charmander gives you a small smile and the flame on his tail started to glow brighter.

"So, what's the matter with you?" You ask the little Charmander munching away by your side, "I guess it must get boring being stuck in a Pokeball all day and now you're out you can't decide what to do."

Charmander nodded. "Sorry to interupt this soppy scene." said a boy, emerging from the shadows, the gel in his spiky brown hair glistening in the sunlight, "But, I want to train as well, prehaps I can battle you, I guess I have to start as low down as possible before I can work my way up.

You and Charmander look at each other. The small fire lizard shrugs. What do you say?

Pokemon: "No thanks."

Pokemon: "Sure!"

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