R: Try to piss him off

From Create Your Own Story

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You take a deep breath and try to calm yourself. It's obvious that swearing like a sailor at the voice on the other end of the walkie-talkie isn't going to do you any good. He seems to be enjoying it in fact.

So if you're going to piss him off, you need to try and find his psychological weakness.

"Hey, you cold-hearted bastard," you say calmly into the walkie-talkie. "I know why you're doing this."

"And why is that?" comes the response.

"Because you're a psychological weakling who wasn't loved enough as a child," you reply coolly. "You have a miserable, pathetic existence, so you have to try and pull a stunt like this to get attention. You've probably never so much as kissed a girl, and you do realize that this is the one time in your life you'll ever have even a semblance of power, right? I'll bet in prison your cellmate will think you have a really nice ass."

That gets to him. "You bastard! You're supposed to be cracking like an egg! You know, for someone who's dying a slow death of thirst, you sure talk big."

"I hope you enjoy giving black men blow jobs," you continue in a calm tone. "Because you'll be doing it for the rest of your life."

"One more crack like that and I'll cut you out of the circuit!!!" he roars. There is a long silence.

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