Test your physical strength on Tyrone

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 19:16, 10 October 2011 by AgentVincent (Talk | contribs)
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You walk over to Tyrone. He has fear in his eyes. Tyrone gets up and throws a punch at you. The punch appears to come in slow motion. You are so swift that you completely maneuver yourself around him before he finishes throwing the punch.

Your defensive skills are amazing. Time to test the offensive. In the blink of an eye, you kick Tyrone in the back of the skull. Before he can finish falling forward, you are back in front of him. You grab him by the back of the head and knee him in the face.

With lightning speed, your hands pluck both of his eyes out of his head!

Finally, you deliver the death blow. You drop his eye balls. Before they hit the ground, your hand has made its way down Tyrone's throat to his chest. You pull out his still-beating heart.

This entire fight lasted less than 2 seconds from the time Tyrone threw a punch to the time you pulled his heart out. It is very clear that you are not a normal human being. Something unknown to you is providing you with superhuman speed and strength.

Your body slows back down. Rebecca is staring at you with an impressed look on her face. Valerie has made her way downstairs and is staring too. Jessica is still locked in Tyrone's trunk.

Your body craves something... but what?

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