Review: Megan

From Create Your Own Story

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Title: Megan

Author: TheElderOnes

Pages: 20

Preview: But today, that was going to change. You were sure from the moment that you woke up that it was all gonna stop today. You already had your noose set up and everything. You could have done it now, but there was one loose end. Vanessa.

Review: Though small in pages, Megan never fails to impress. In terms of story, it is about a girl named Megan, who sadly chose to commit suicide, but she has decided to do one final thing before she dies, kill her best friend Vanessa. Not only is this original, it also becomes extremely depressing during the end. There are also three kinds of ways to kill Vanessa on every page you can have the chance to, with green being quick, orange being good, and red being brutal. I was only brave enough to read through one brutal kill, let me tell you, it lives up to it's name.

Like War Pigs, I found little no to grammatical flaws or spelling errors while reading. Which is very pleasing.

Redlinks are no where to be found! Although, I found there was only one ending in the story, which kind of defeats the whole purpose of it being 'choose your own adventure', the story was also a tad short. Though, the story still has yet to be finished.

Overall, this story is a must read on this site just so you can read through the depressing, yet violent world of Megan. Even with it's short story and only one ending. This is definitely worth it's nomination for being featured.

Score: 9/10

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