Bite Henry's cock off

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:35, 20 September 2011 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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You chomp on the head of his cock with full-bite strength. He screams loudly then goes limp and starts shaking in shock. You feel his blood in your mouth. You have bitten the head of his cock off in mid-orgasm. Blood and cum is getting everywhere.

You stuff the head of his cock into his mouth and make him swallow it. He turns blue.

For just a moment you shift your spirit into Henry's body, then go back to Jackie.

While in his body you read his mind. You found out the location of his 5-year-old daughter, at home with her babysitter, and his wife, at work in as a pastry chef.

Henry dies. You take a look around and nobody is there. You quickly pop the trunk and stuff his body inside before closing it. You drive back to the bar and get your car, leaving him dead in his trunk. You walk back into the bar to use the bathroom to get the blood off you, then return to your car.

Once you get back in your car, you get your police uniform out of your bag and dress as a normal police officer. You drive off, intent on abducting one of Henry's family members.

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Milf / Police Prostitute Decoy
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