Star Wars: Republic/Make Him Suffer

From Create Your Own Story

Star Wars: Republic

Following instinct you curl your hand into a fist, channeling your rage, crushing Villie's windpipe with the Force. As soon as he passes out you delve deeper into this power and unleash a shock of lightning from your fingers and make him regain consciousness. You keep doing this, finding yourself reveling in Villie's suffering. You explore his mind as you torture him, and revel in his pain. It helps to sate the dark compulsion that has overwhelmed you. You've discovered the more you use this power the easier it is to wield.

He wants to die, you sense, so you choke him until his heart stops and then shock him again to start it. His eyes jerk open, and he pleads to you. "No more, please, no more! Villie cannot handle any more! Villie will tell you whatever you want!" You release your force hold over Villie and he slumps to the floor.

These actions seem to have unleashed a tremendous power in you. It demands to be used again.

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Health 100 Equipment:


MP 10
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