Take the left hand tunnel, and hope that Freedom IS all its cracked up to be

From Create Your Own Story

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You turn and look upwards to the ogre, and consider thanking him for leading you this far. As he scans you with his beady albino eyes, a small drop of drool leaves the corner of his frankfuter-like bottom lip, and graces your shoulder with its appearance.

After casting a look of disgust towards the ogre, you wipe the foul intruder off of your Cloak of Caution, and begin to walk forwards. After a few paces, you feel the rush of wind on your face, and the animated movement of the breeze in your hair, it suddenly dawns on you that you are flying! Travelling through the air almost majestically, your heart leaps and your soul feels revitalised at this experience... until it dawns on you that you are, in fact flying... downwards. Unbeknownst to you, your 6th step into the tunnel was into thin air as a large unseen cavern opened beneath you and swallowed you, and your cloak, whole.

As your majestic travelling turns into what can be only described as a monkey having a fit, you curse the moment you forgot to take a flaming torch with you, thus preventing the nasty incident currently occuring.

As your skull takes the full force of the impact, your entire body follows, in an almost concertina-like fashion... as you finally manage to kiss your own ass, a pool of blood widens on the floor of the cavern. You have lost all freedom and indeed breathing priveleges.

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