Go outside and check to see whats going on

From Create Your Own Story

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Right before comming around the corner into the main part of the shop you here a familiar voice, a cracked and deep voice that brought back bad memories, so you decide to peek around the corner and see whos familiar voice you are hearing when your stomach sinks. To your demise it is what you had expected, the Garucian that had a sword strapped to his side as well as the gun his fellow lizard had been wielding. You listen in on the loud conversation of the two in hopes of collecting some information on what has been happening. The Garuc slams his scaley hand on the counter and yells "All of this plan has gone to shit Will!" Willie turns to look at the lizard man and says in a hushed voice "Shush you overgrowned lizard and be quiet! You are going to wake the boy...what happened?" The lizard man put a claw on the hilt of his sword and leaned in "I hate being called lizard..very demeaning." the two stare at each other for awhilebefore finally the Garucian spoke again, "we followed the boy to where you told us hed go, when we arrive, plan goes to shit and big metal THING wakes up and cuts down friend, had to run, may still be following me." Willie looks down at the floor angrily and back up at the Garuc "Have you any idea what that thing can do? It can destroy whole cities yet alone this simple town, you should have died with your comrade you simpleton." Willie started to walk away when the Garucian jumps up and grabs the small man pulling out his sword for intimidation..

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