Say "No way! This asshole is open for anyone."

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 11:24, 5 August 2011 by Dasm (Talk | contribs)

Surprised by this you say "No way! This asshole is open for anyone" Will's expression quickly changes happy pure rage. "Why you fucking SLUT! Fine, than mom will know about you and that emo fag!" Angry at your'e completely psychotic brother you you threaten "Fine than I'll tell her you blackmailed me into sucking your cock and I've got that fucking stain to prove it!" At that point you know you've got him cornered, you can faintly see a vain growing on his forehead. "FUCK!" he shouts "Fine, have your'e slut ass!" Will storms up the stairs but right before he closes it he shouts "But don't expect to get any fucking sex from me again!" "I thought it's called brotherly love!" you quickly taunt back. What to do now? Teenager/Call your boyfriend and tell him what happened

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