
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 11:36, 27 June 2011 by Captainjack (Talk | contribs)
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You pull over at the abandoned gas station. You both look around and study the ruins.

"Should I just go here?" She looks at you earnestly

"I mean I guess. We're here already and there's probably not going to be any real bathrooms around for a long while."

"Well, I do have to go, so here goes nothing." You watch as Kara gets out of the car. Her cute butt sways as she walks over behind an old gas pump. You can't see her over the metal pump and you assume shes squatting down and dropping her jeans and it's too far away to hear her peeing. A couple minutes go by and she walks back to the car and gets in.

"That's soooo much better," she says with relief. "We can go now, thanks for pulling over."

You fire up the engine and the two of you head back onto the dusty desert highway.....


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