Y4H: Cross-examine Beane

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:38, 6 June 2011 by Alberich (Talk | contribs)

Okay, Doc, you genius, let's see you keep your flow unbroken.

Doc: So, Beane, what about that lock box?

Beane: It's in the playroom. We always keep it lcoked.

Doc: And where was the key to that one?

Beane: It was super-glued to one of our spurs.

Doc: Huh?

Beane: Yeah, we used to do some pony play, like she's put the saddle on me and dig in the spurs. But my back started hurting and those things are sharp, so we kinda cut it out, and we just keep 'em in the playroom for decor.

Doc: Why'd you super-glue the key to the spur?

Beane: It was pretty small and we kept losing it before. And that way she'd never be tempted to start using those spurs again.

Doc: So was the spur missing too?

Beane: You bet! That super glue is great stuff!

Doc: Okay...so what all was missing?

Beane: The little gold balls, the spur, the little key, and the beta tape.

Doc: And when you all took the blindfolds off, was anybody wearing anything?

Beane: Nope, we were all bare-bean-buck-naked.


Doc: Was anyone walking funny on the way out?

Beane: After what that gal did to me with the dildo? I was!

Doc: Anyone else?

Beane: Didn't notice.

This has been exhausting. But he looks at you and you whisper one last suggestion to him.

Ask about the blindfolds Ask about the dog Oh, shut up already

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