The Grand Arena / View the Actress arena

From Create Your Own Story

Actress Arena

You find yourself locked in some dungeon in who knows where. You don't know how you got there and you don't know why you were brought here. All you know is that you are a hot actress and there could be a million reasons why someone would want to kidnap you. Unfortunantly you suspect the worse. You find yourself tied with rope and naked, hanging by your arms.

Just from what you have heard from the darkness, there are obviously other girls in the same position as yourself around you. You can't tell if they are in the same room or not though. You try and clear your mind for a second. Who are you?

Are you a hot busty young blonde named Elisha? You are innocent yet daring and not afraid to put up a fight. You were raised well and are used to getting what you want. [1]

Are you a sassy brunette named Jessica? You are outgoing and while somewhat innocent you've been naugty on occasion. You are also known as a scrapper being resouceful for what you want. [2]

Are you a tomboy black haired named Mila? You are snobby and in your face, not afraid to tell people what you think. You are not afraid to go out and get what you want. [3]

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