Say, "I'd take a picture, but the lens on my camera would break."

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:45, 18 October 2010 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

"Cute." The papergirl stops, and turns around with a smirk on her face. "Is that how you chat up all the girls? By insulting them?" She doesn't look very insulted, and comes back towards your apartment. She leans the wall beside your door, and looks you up and down.

"You look kind of cool. In a 'not cool' kinda' way, if you know what I mean." She smiles. She still wears braces. "Maybe when I get off my paper round you can send me a text. My name's Emma." She writes a number on the corner of your newspaper.


"Send me a message in an hour or so and we'll hook up. If you're lucky." She smirks again and walks off, wiggling her small behind in your direction.

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