"Can I take a picture of you?"

From Create Your Own Story

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"Can I take your picture?" he asks, before looking around to see if anyone was listening.

"My picture? Daddy why do you want a picture of me naked?" The idea makes you nervous, but also excited. You've never taken a naked picture before but some of your friends have. That must mean daddy thinks you are sexy like them.

"You wanted more confidence and I think I can help with that. But to do it, I need you to trust me baby. Can I take your picture?"

Your face is red with embarrassment as you think about it. It's weird enough being naked in front of your dad, but a picture? Once again, you feel that tingling between your legs and it answers for you. You breathlessly gasp, "Okay."

He pulls out his phone and aims it up at you. "Okay baby, for the first one, just put your hands at your sides so we can see it all. Good girl. Now turn around so we can see the back."

Your body glows crimson as you turn around and hear the sound of the camera going off. You turn back around and your dad moves in closer. He holds the camera right between your legs, making them shake with these new feelings. You have a strong urge to rub your pussy. Then he backs up and continues to point the camera at you. You're unsure what to do, so you go back to your shy stance of arms clasped behind your back and leg rubbing the back of the other. You ask, "What's next?"

He lowers the camera and walks over to you before handing you the phone.

"I want you to look at these and tell me which you are okay with."

You gasp as you open the first picture. The first thing you notice is your face. You thought daddy might not show it in case anyone else saw these pictures. Next you notice how far you can zoom in. Daddy's new phone has a really good camera. You zoom all the way in your pussy and it looks as clear as real life. Then you swipe to the next one and see yourself from the back. It is not a view you see often, but you think you have a cute butt. Even if your boobs are flat, you know you have a nice butt because older men sometimes tell you when you are walking home from school. You swipe again and see a close up picture of your pussy. Embarrassment washes back over you as you realize again that your dad has seen you so close up. You swipe one more time and are greeted with a short video of you smiling shyly and blushing while you stand in your idle pose before asking the camera "What's next?"

You hand the phone back to your dad. You can't believe he took those. You know he should delete them. You tell him, "I like them all and want you to keep them."

Wait what? Once again, your new feelings won. What now?

Your dad could thank you and leave, leaving you to wonder what he is going to do with the pictures and video. He could stay and tell you what he is going to do. Or you could stop fighting your urge and finally touch between your legs to see why you feel like you need to so badly.

He thanks you and then leaves

He thanks you and tells you what he wants with the pictures and video

You give in to your urge and put your hand between your legs

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