BF1 You meet your dad as a teen

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:52, 13 June 2018 by MasterKing64 (Talk | contribs)

You enter the diner ask about a phone and head to its location. You open the phone book find the docs name and think to yourself he can help me. You call the number there's no answer, or anything such as an answering machine after several minutes you give up you tear the page out to keep track of the address anus number. You come out of the booth trying to find directions the waiter asks if you want to order something after a few failed attempts you end up getting a cup of black coffee. You sit trying to plan your day when you hear "hey McFly I thought I told you never to come in here again" you turn around, while young Ann's almost unrecognizable save for his voice and attitude is teenage Biff Tannon. At first you thought he was talking to you but it turns out it was the teen next to you. There's he is your dad he's even more pathetic. Biff Bully's him into doing his homework. They leave, you turn to try to find your dad and he's gone you follow.

It took a few minutes but you catch up to him. At first you think you lost him, but you see his bike it propped against a tree. You look up you see your teenage dad in a tree with binoculars. You wonder what he's looking at you look across the street. There's a teen girl on the 2nd floor of the house the blinds and window wide open. She seems to be getting dressed she's facing away you can she her very nice round ass slip into panties then put on stallings and garter, a slip. She then turns around her naked breasts visible she puts on a bra. You turn back and look up at your father realizing what he's doing. "He's a peeping Tom" you shake your head all of a sudden he falls out of the tree into the road a car is coming.

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