Leave, the Captain is far too sad to party even when drunk

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:12, 12 March 2017 by SlenderSlayer24 (Talk | contribs)

You tell Owan that you two should leave and as you stand up he looks up at you and simply stands up as well but as he stood there he started to fall over so you reached out to him and pulled him back up. So you sling one of his arms over your shoulder and drag him out of the bar. After a long walk and some vomiting you make it to your lab and lay Owan down on a cot you set up for him. After the man is passed out do you realize he still has his armor on. Not wanting to deal with it you turn to leave to your room when you realize something. This is the perfect opertunity to use your potion.

Claiming that it could help him with the hang over later on you can use the potion and make him your's forever. You also noticed that the Captain seemed to be having marriage issues. Which if you support him. You just might be ale to pull him further from Mildred and hopefully get him to fall for you. It's your choice. His marriage will fail either way. You'll just be speeding up the process.

Give him the potion

Do this your self

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