Fall asleep(16L IE/WF)

From Create Your Own Story

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You fall asleep, the gentle rocking of the bus as you sleep as a somewhat soothing effect on you and you wake up a few hours later feeling refreshed and relaxed. As you glance out of the window you instantly know something is wrong, what should be green forests, is in fact a barren desert you turn to the kindly old man next to you.

"Excuse me is this the bus to L.A?"

"Why no, this bus is headed to Texas."

"Oh no I'm on the wrong bus."

"Hush, don't let the driver know or he will throw you off here."

"But what can I do?"

"Well I'm getting off in two stops time you can get off there and I’ll help you get back, or you can go on to Texas and try to find your own way back, or tell the driver."

Do you?

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