The Mind Controlling Device/(Device) Tell your sister to stay at home.

From Create Your Own Story

You think that the fun part is just starting, and you don't want to end it so soon. You're staying at home today.

You: "What's the harm if you skip your school for just one day? Please stay at home, mom is too going out for market today and I need someone to look after me because I'm not feeling so well."

Lisa stares at you for a moment, then nods approvingly, " I'll have to inform mom."

You: "Leave that one for me, I'll go and tell mom."

Lisa: "Sure. I'll make your bed for you."

You go to mom and get permission for Lisa to stay at home using the device. You happily go to your room and see that your sister has already arranged your bed already and sitting there, flipping through a magazine. What's your next move?

(Device) Tell her to close the door. (Device) Tell her to undress. Get a head massage, you have a headache.

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