VRX 9000: Sex Games / Let him take you prisoner (3)

From Create Your Own Story

VRX 9000: Sex Games

The Ayumi Adventures: Invading the Cult

Quest 1: The Mazrim Cult


You decide to let him take you with a split second decision, not struggling an ounce as he finishes trying your wrists together tightly behind your back. The further you can go without drawing attention to yourself the better. And if you get handed off to another guard you'll be home free. You doubt they all have this enchantment against your suggestion magic. Plus, the weaker you appear the more your enemies will misjudge your strength. A scared girl in a revealing outfit never seems very intimidating. They'll have to take off your ropes eventually. Then you'll take a little revenge. If you are lucky this fool will bring you straight to a dungeon of some sorts, untie you, and throw you inside.

When the guard finishes he slings the crossbow over his shoulder then to your surprise starts to run a rope around your neck. You blink in surprise as he fastens it. "Is that really necessary?" He slaps you which you don't expect giving a gasp of pain as it spikes across your cheek. You glare at him indignity.

"Slaves stay quiet." He says, finishing the rope. You want nothing more than to rip him apart with your magic at that second, cheeks flushing. But you manage to keep your calm, dignified self and just stay quite. The buffoon has fashioned the rope into a leash. You'll look weaker in a leash you tell yourself. The guard gives you a skeptical look over before turning his back on you and walks forward, giving you a tug through his new leash. Your pride is taking some serious hits right now but you just take it, following him without so much as a complaint glaring daggers into his back. You'll find him and teach him a little respect when you get free you promise yourself.

As the two of you walk forward, to what you assume would be down further into the caves, you are surprised to see the guard walk you over to the strange metal door. He seems hesitant though, eyeing the door. He doesn't want to knock on it you realize, how childish. You hope he doesn't, they can't have a dungeon this close to the entrance. This has to be something else, you need him to take you further. You start to speak but the guard cuts you off finally making the decision you can tell he doesn't like and knocks on the door loudly a few times. You can't help but think you hear a scream coming from inside. In fact, you are sure of it. A few moments later the door opens and you see a strangely beautiful woman with long raven hair and a very revealing outfit that almost makes you blush open the door.


Special Character Revealed: Katelin's Apprentice - Zuna

With revealing black garb and a small, slender frame, the woman would look friendly if she wasn't dressed the way she was. Her eyes give away a bit of mischief and she seems like she doesn't have a care in the world. She is also strangely enough not wearing the standard cultist marks. The woman is also obviously some sort of apprentice, docile enough to be subservient to someone while disciplined enough to know some kind of craft. She carries a whip and likes to play with it idly as if she is just learning it's secrets. Around her you get a false sense of security.


The two of you instantly look over each other with recognition, both recognizing the magical potential in the other although you can't help but notice you are stronger, if not by much with a little bit of pride. The other woman likely can't tell the difference. You suddenly feel awkward in your skimpy outfit as the woman looks you up and down obviously checking out your curves. She glances at the guard then, raising an eyebrow. The guard speaks. "Found her trying to sneak through the gate. I captured her, what would you like me to do with her?"

The woman puts her palm out and the guard grunts before putting the rope leash into her hands. You have a bad feeling about this. You won't be able to escape via magic if this woman knows what you can do. "You have done a good job, I will see you are rewarded later." She then yanks on your leash bringing you through the door before closing it in the guards stuttering face.

She looks over you with a grin then. "Another magic user, and powerful. You don't belong here mage." She says with a playful look.

You just try to stay dignified, as much as you can with another woman checking out your cleavage. "I come to speak to one of your leaders, you have no right to hold me like a slave." You look at the leash extending to her hand.

She grips it a bit smirking. "Oh, don't like this do you?" She smiles then and slowly pulls your towards her inch by inch. You have no choice but to follow until you are just inches from her, breasts almost touching hers. "Unfortunately, here I'm the boss, and you have no rights, slave." She says the last word mockingly and you flush.

Moving to press against you slightly she runs her hands around you then, biting her lip slightly as you just shift uncomfortably. "Listen, we can make a deal." You start, but then blush shocked as you feel your top undone as the woman slips it off to reveal your breasts. She grins then, running a hand up your stomach to then grab one, squeezing it firming making you twist and squirm uncomfortably trying to pull away. "Stop!"

She just giggles at that, rubbing her thumb over your nipple. You are horrified when you give a small gasp as she pressed her thumb against the bottom of your nipple pressing it up. "I wouldn't wear outfits like this if I were you." She purrs, running her other hand down to squeeze your ass once holding it. "Some might get the wrong idea." She then smiles playfully again, running her hand on your ass between your legs moving to rub your cunt through your small bottom. You gasp, horrified at how forward she is and struggle to make some distance but the two of you just mesh, the woman's skin sliding across yours.

"Just send me to your dungeons and stop playing with me." You say madly, trying not to let her hand slowly rubbing your most sensitive spot distract you while she plays with your nipple. "Your mistress won't be pleased if you don't bring me to her."

She just giggles again, finally stopping rubbing your pussy and walks away from you just like that, her ass swaying amazingly behind her as she pulls you forward into the room with the leash. You get a good glance around the room for once then, taking it all in. It is obviously her living quarters, a large red bed dominating the room with several cabinets and drawers and a desk along the walls. And to your dismay quite a few cages as well. There is also a wooden door on the left wall. Zuna walks to her bed and sits on it, turning to study you.

You just stand there looking at dignified as possible with your breasts bare and a leash around your neck. She grins then. "Your my slave, mage, one way or another. Stop trying to talk your way out of it." She then bites her lip suppressing a giggle. She looks amused as she looks over your body. "I'm just trying to decide if I want to trust you enough to have you help me train my new slave girls, or if I want to grow a dick on you and use you as my personal fuck slave."

You look at her horrified. She is serious! You blush, with anger on your face. She can't treat you like this! But what can you do? You need your hands free to be any kind of threat.


What do you do?


Current Status: 100% - Normal

Current Items: None.

Current Alignment: (10/20) - Neutral

Main Quest: Find the Heirloom

Side Quests: None


Spell Casting: Suggestion x1

Arcane Torrent: x1

Summon Beast: x2

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