Family Ties/Jessica Heather anything aggressive shy Timmy

From Create Your Own Story

After mulling over the possibilities in your head you blurt out a name.

"Umm... Timmy?"

Your twin brother seems like the least embarrassing option. You've only recently stopped having baths together, so there's nothing he hasn't seen plenty of times before. Besides, he should be a god sport about this. At least you hope he is.

"Fine. Come."

Heather leads you down the hall a short distance to Timmy's room. She doesn't bother knocking, barging straight into his room without warning. Luckily for him, Timmy is laying on his bed with his iPod passing the time.

"Oh, hi sisters!" he welcomes you. He sits up after he takes a look at you. "Woah! Where are your pants?"

"She lost a wedgie war," Heather explains, "and now she needs a punishment."

You nervously pull on the hem of your t-shirt after hearing this. Why couldn't you just show off your shame and then leave? Heather really is trying to find your limits.

"Hahah!" Timmy jumps off the bed, chuckling to himself as he approaches you. He looks you up and down, but his eyes linger on your panties. "Sis, you look hilarious! What's your punishment?"

You glance at Heather, but she stays silent. Apparently you need to come up with something...

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