
From Create Your Own Story

You take him up on the offer. Whatever else you can say about this place, rent is dirt-cheap and will allow you to look for a job at leisure. Offcourse food and other expenses are not included, but you should be able to live on your current budget for 2 months. Ample time to look for a job.

He gives you a bone-crushing handshake to seal the deal and grins as he sees you cringe. "Oh, by the way - the rooms don't have any locks so don't leave anything valuable lyin' around." You frown a bit at that but since you don't really Own anything valuable anyway, you figure it doesn't really matter much.

With the symbolic room badge that has no key to it, you head upstairs to inspect the place you'll be staying at. You don't have high hopes and you find about what you expected, a small rooms with a simple hard bed and one drawer. Plenty enough to store your current belongings, but you best find a bigger place if you ever want to start a clothes' collection.

Tho you wouldn't mind a nap, it's still quite early and you figure you shouldn't waste any time finding a job. With a place to stay for a while, you're at liberty to apply for a decent workplace. It might take several weeks to a month before you can start tho and you don't have any qualifications since you dropped out of school so you aren't likely to get anything good.

You :

Take a nap first

Ask the owner if he has an opening for another waitress.

Go jobhunting nearby

Look for jobs in the regio online in a nearby internet café. (-5$)

Health 100 Equipment:

Normal jeans, Blue Tank Top, large bag

Stamina 50
Morale 65 Inventory:

chinese elegant dress, pink party outfit, 2 water bottles, 1 Boxed Lunch, 7 snacks, Rain Coat

Money 650$
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