Go right(IE/WF)

From Create Your Own Story

Knowing that walking past all that park equipment would just upset you more you head right. You quickly come to regret your decision. At first it is easy going with gentle paths but it turns more maze-like and you are soon hopelessly lost. Eventually, after almost a hour of stumbling about, you reach a clearing with at least a dozen paths leading from it; but this is not the first thing you notice.

Leaning against a tree watching you closely is a Hispanic guy. He only looks about eighteen but already bares a wicked looking scar on his left cheek, and even though he's a little taller than you, he looks like he works out a lot. He's dressed in a pair of low slung jeans and a white vest, more commonly called a wife beater. Hanging from the corner of his mouth is what at first seems to be a cigarette, but as you watch him take a drag you realize it's a joint.

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