Pokemon: participate

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:07, 18 December 2011 by Bluelightning108 (Talk | contribs)

For those 3 1/2 hours you train intensely hard. You practice making your Boltie's thundershock look great and beatiful. You also teach her how to do a somersault, and how to deflect pebbles with her claws. There stats raise a little. Your not just training for the contest, your training fro being strong. You are of course training yourself. You are deflecting pebbles and showing them how to look graceful and stuff too. You teach Larkie how to combine sand attack and gust. to make the sand fly around the room. The you have her quick around all around the spread out sand. You decide to use her for the show round. Then obviously You'll use Boltie for the Battle round.

Ball capsules cost money, but they could be useful

do you


Pichu: (female) Hp: 24 Att: 14 Def: 13 Sp Att: 15 Spd: 15 |Health=100%|Level 9} Special Attacks: Thundershock, Tail Whip, Growl, Charm

Pidgey: (female) Hp: 17 Att: 12 Def: 10 Sp Att: 10 Spd: 14 |Health=100%|Level 6} Special Attacks: Gust, Sand Attack, Quick Attack

Rattata: (male) Hp: 14 Att: 10 Def: 7 Sp Att: 5 Spd: 10 |Health=100%|Level 5} Special Attacks: Tail Whip

Pokeballs: 6 Potions: 12 Oran Berries: 6 Sitris Berries: 3 Pecha berries: 6 Cheri berries: 1 Rawst berries: 1

Money: $485.49

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