ST2: Achievements

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 12:03, 24 September 2011 by Heyoeveryone (Talk | contribs)

Below is a list of all the achievements and a vague description on how to find it. They should be easy to find, most of them at least.

Achievement List! Can you find them all?

Depressed Much?- Commit Suicide.

I Love My Car - Die in your car.

Friends and Family - You stopped driving.

Not the Candy Shop! - Oh no!

Limits - Yeah, well that caused you to die.

Pain - Die a emotionally and physically agonising death.

Character Development - Took your time to learn about other people.

Bitter/Sweet Ending - You got the girl but she lost a friend.

Sweet/Sweet Ending - You got the girl and no one died!

"Sure" - "Are you guys going out?"

Too Fast! - Escape the Tornado with your car.

I Love Discounts! - Befriend Yao Yip

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